Christmas Tree Chip & Disposal

Give your tree a new life after the holidays! Our annual local tree chipping service turns your Christmas tree into usable mulch and chips while raising funds for charity. Drop off your tree from January 4-5, 2025 with a minimum $10 to Port Coquitlam Firefighters Charitable Society.

Request Pick-Up

Residents can also have their tree picked up for a minimum $20 donation. Complete the form below to request a pick-up.


Donations benefit the Port Coquitlam Fire Fighters Charitable Society. Firefighters volunteer their time for this event and all wood chips created are used in city parks and trails. The mission of the Port Coquitlam Fire Fighters Charitable Society is to help the community through a variety of programs aimed to help further education, relieve poverty, and assist in life-altering events.

Drop-off your donation along with your tree in person or donate online.

Donate Online

Dispose Trees in Green Carts

Trees without any decorations or chemical sprays can be chopped up and placed in green carts in pieces that are up to 3″ in diameter and 40″ long.

Watch our how-to video.


Recycle That Wrapping Paper!

Residents are reminded the most Christmas wrap can be recycled and should be disposed of in your blue recycling cart. Do not include any cellophane, ribbons, bows or any plasticized or glitter paper.

Find Out More

Recycle Christmas Lights!

Christmas light strings are included in BC’s LightRecycle program and can be dropped off for free at participating light fixture recycling depots. Contact Recycling Council of BC for more green holiday tips!

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